The River's Edge has over 100 Ministries many of which are listed here below. If you are involved in a River's Edge Church Ministry which is not listed here, and would like it listed..
If you have an idea for a ministry or are interested in being involved in an existing ministries, please email Emily using the link here
Are you looking for a ministry in the Riversedge Church?
We are looking for computer savvy volunteers interested in learning how to update
sections of this website on a weekly basis, which is part of the Riversedge Church Community. Training will be given - (if you can use a computer you can do this!)
Email here for more information
Existing Ministries within the Riversedge Church
SMORES -Strong Men of River's Edge....
Men's Bible Study at Cafe - River's Edge Church, Bay Theater, Caseville, MI every second Saturday in the month 7.15am
TITUS 2 Womens Discipleship Ministries Has 11 Groups taught by: Magdalene Gunden, Sherry Lynn Essian, Jessie Severence, Sally Lapka, Gretta Gunden, Brenda Block, Mary Graf, Sarah McNames, Lisa Fluegge, Emily Badgerow, Margaret Gunden.
Classes are held at multiple locations, dates and times - contact the RUREDE office for more details- 989 450 3435
Children's & Toddler's Church - Sally Lapka, Mary Graf, Jenny Mcain, Nickol Shetler, Emily Jakobi, Rachel Gunden,
Vacation Bible School Sally Lapka, Mary Graf, and Emily Badgerow
Family Night - Wednesdays at the River's Edge Cafe Ryan Badgerow
Sunday Hospitality-Emily Jacobi
Chicken BBQ- Lisa Beachy
Funeral Meals - Felicia Geiger
Ladies Sunday Encouragement-Marilyn Crenshaw
Cards and Encouragement-Teresa Winborn
Website -Dave and Lindy Wineman
Positive Alternatives - April Schmidt
Youth Pastor, Praise and Worship Team - Ryan Badgerow
SMASH - Ryan Badgerow
BLINK - Aaron Vogel
Office,Youth, Accounting, Transport, School Ministries - Emily Badgerow
Grounds Keeping-
Prayer Chain- Brenda Miller
Bathroom Upkeep- Emily Jakobi
His Hands- Paul Geiger
Car Wash - Paul Geiger
Choir - Emily Badgerow
Softball Team - Chris Fluegge
Church Directory-Lisa Beachy
Prayer Quilts - Brenda Miller
Hospitality Schedules - Margaret Gunden
Church Powerpoint- Maggie Mae Gunden
Sound-Harrison Gunden, Dave Wineman